Not everyone can handle Epsom salts, or need them. Epsom salts are used to relax the bile ducts and flush the intestines. If you plan on getting a colonic, you don’t want to use Epsom salts as that will cause cramping. If you still want to relax the bile ducts but not get diarrhea, take 500 mg of any kind of magnesium you like about 1 hour prior to taking the oil.
Be sure to take stone dissolving agents for about 3-7 days.
Try to drink carrot/apple juice for 3 days. Eat a low-fat diet of simple, plain, whole, mostly cooked foods. Coconut oil is fine.
On the day of the flush, eat a simple diet. You can eat all the way up to 5:00 pm if you eat things that digest quickly and easy, like steamed veggies, soups or pasta. Some of my best flushes, tho, came on days that I ate fat – buttered pancakes for breakfast no less! But the theory is that avoiding fats for a time helps to build up pressure.
Don’t take any medications that you can do without.
You can drink about 4-8 oz of water each hour right up to 9:00. You should be drinking ginger or peppermint tea to prepare the digestive system for all that oil.
At or about 11:00, Squeeze fresh grapefruit. Have fresh orange juice or lemons at the ready in case the grapefruit doesn’t give up enough juice. Lemon works great but doesn’t taste as good. Grapefruit is great for emulsifying the oil and masking the flavor.
Have hard peppermint candy or Altoids ready, baking soda is good too if you use lemon juice to stop the lemon juice from eating your teeth.
Make a dose of 1/2 cup olive oil to 3/4 cup juice and stir or shake well. Have enough for a second dose.
Drink down quickly. You can use a straw and avoid some of the taste. Lie down and get comfy, can have pillows propping you up a bit. Some recipes say to lie a certain way, but I’ve never noticed a difference either way. Wipe out mouth with paper towels, gargle if necessary. Suck on peppermint candy to settle the stomach and aid digestion.
Wait 30 minutes, then take second dose if you feel like you can handle it. Sometimes I just drink half of the second dose. Sometimes I just drink the first dose.
Try to sleep.
Use a castor oil pack on the abdominal area if you have one.
On the following day, do an enema, or Salt Water Flush, or colonic, plus P&B shakes 2x day for at least 3 days, preferably longer. If you just do enemas, do at least three of them over the post-flush week.
The stones will float, put on gloves and check them out. If you want to keep them to impress your friends, refrigerate in a glass of water or they will dissolve as they are mostly fat. They are soft, waxy unless they are calcified. Can be just about any color, but usually green, sometimes tan or black.
Do colon cleansing for at least 3 days over the next week. Switch from stone dissolving herbs to liver supporting herbs until 1 week before your next flush.