It is best to to do a partial fast when taking anti-parasite herbs to kill parasites. You can still eat and drink, but very sparingly, accenting foods that are clean and safe. Follow the candida diet, for the most part, accenting the following:
1. Eat NO sugar, reduce all sweeteners.
2. Eat lots of cultured foods, Kefir, Saurkraut, to replace the friendlies, which help to kill the baddies. Take Primal Defense too if you can afford it.
3. Eat/drink fresh, raw Pineapple, or take a Bromelain supplement. Bromelain digests protein and really irritates tapeworms.
4. Eat a handful of pumpkin seeds several times a day. parasites hate pumpkin seeds. Make them spicy with cayenne pepper and they’ll really hate it.
5. Eat raw garlic anyway you can. The Basic Cleansing Salad is a great way to eat garlic and kill parasites. Or you can just swallow the cloves whole. Some people chew raw brown rice and garlic and swallow.
6. Eat cloves or take pills of clove oil. Clove oil is highly concentrated pungent therapy, it can burn you, so be careful.
7. Increase stomach acids with Apple Cider Vinegar or HCL Betaine supplements prior to your meals. This will keep the stomach free of parasites and H.pylori. It will also ensure that you will kill off any larvae you inadvertantly eat with your meals.
8. Practice Pungent Therapy. Pungent spices like turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, cardamom, chilis, horseradish, are all irritating or even deadly to parasites.
9. Drink fennel tea. Fennel is a mild laxative and has an effect on some parasites of making them release their hold.