The first test is the profile above – if you fit more than 3 of the parameters, you should continue on to the candida test and parasite expulsion protocol.
The candida test is in the candida section of the site. If you have candida, you may want to focus on just candida, especially if you contracted it due to taking antibiotics. Chances are you don’t have parasites, you just have systemic candidiasis, and the protocols are vastly different. Best to just focus on candida at first and maybe do the expulsion test after you’ve been on the anti-candida diet for awhile, or if the candida diet is negative.
You can have your stool tested for parasites, but since they are so good at hiding, a negative result is not conclusive, so it might not be worth your money. If you do decide to send a stool sample, don’t gather the sample until you’ve been doing the parasite expulsion protocol for at least 6 days.
Great Smoky Mountain labs (800-522-4762) does parasite testing, including yeast.
You can start a parasite cleanse for 14 days and if you don’t see a baddy, stop, or you can do the expulsion protocol to ensure that a parasite cleanse is necessary.