Stone Dissolvers
Posted On Monday, June 20, 2011 By editor. Under Liver Problems Tags: Apple Cider Vinegar, gall stones, liver cleanse, liver detox, liver flush, Malic Acid
Some people don't need to flush so much as dissolve stones. Anyone who plans on flushing should dissolve stones as much as possible before sending them thru the bile duct. These are all good options for softening and dissolving stones. ...
How to Increase Stomach Acids
Posted On Thursday, May 13, 2010 By admin. Under Diagnostic Tools, Holistic Protocols & Alternative Medicine Tags: ACV, Cleansing Drink, Glutamic Acid, Malic Acid
Take a supplement for the stomach. It should include Glutamic Acid, Betaine, Pepsin, and sometimes Bromelain. Or just take the amount of HCL Betaine you've determined to be your needed dose per the stomach acid test.
Take a teaspoon or tablespoon ...
The Power of Digestion
Posted On Monday, April 5, 2010 By admin. Under Holistic Protocols & Alternative Medicine Tags: HCL, India Spice, Kim Chee, Malic Acid
Here are the guidelines for staying within and Increasing the Power of Digestion, waking up Agni (digestive fire) and increasing stomach acids. 90% of people exceed their digestive fire, create Ama (toxins), and that creates degenerative diseases. Even if you ...