Our potassium needs increase as we age; when we cleanse; sweat. Potassium is found in all living things so you don’t really need to take supplements of it. The following list is from highest to lowest amounts of potassium, except for ACV which wasn’t rated on the USDA list I referred to.
Apple Cider Vinegar,Potatoes,Lima Beans, pinto, baked beans,Tomatoes,Grapefruit juice, Orange juice,Halibut,Winter Squash,Spinach,Raisins, Dates & Prunes,Sweet Potato,Papaya, Halibut,Lentils,Peas,Avocado,Artichokes,asparagus,bell peppers,carrot juice,Bananas.
Published Wednesday, July 20, 2011 By editor. Under Detox Diet, Foods High in..., Healthy Food - The Vital Health Kitchen Tags: Dates Prunes, Sweet Potato, USDA, Winter Squash