For HYPOthyroid, here’s what you want to do:
Keep circulation going strong (cayenne, rosemary, exercise, massage)
Eat a diet low in simple sugars, high in good protein and cold fatty fish like mackeral, tuna, salmon, swordfish (take iron, zinc and eat cilantro chutney with these fish so you don’t absorb mercury)
Get plenty of Skin food: B’s, A, E, Zinc, C, EFA’s, preferably as Wheat Germ Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Eggs, nuts, seeds, Emergen-C, Nutritional Yeast, Borage/Black Current Oil or other cold expeller-pressed oili, liquid zinc, eggs, dark leafy greens.
plus GTF Chromium (any chromium will do, but GTF Chromium is the best for hypoglycemia. Solaray has it.)
plus Iodine – sea salt, seaweed, kelp, kombu, fish, seafood, caviar, or ConcenTrace trace mineral supplement
plus Lecithin (low thyroid means you’re not metabolizing fats properly, and lecithin helps the body break down fats)
plus Coconut Oil
plus Armour Thyroid, 2x a day.
You don’t have to avoid goitregens if you’re getting enough iodine, but it would be smart to eat oil blends like Udo’s Choice rather than pure flax seed oil.
Fermented cabbage is fine.
Mary Shomon has written the definitive book on the thyroid.
Get blood tests regularly and make sure TSH is between 1-3.
If you still feel awful, have T3, T4 checked – a full thyroid panel rather than just TSH.
It’s important to have a clean liver so the liver can convert T3/T4 properly.
It’s also important to have strong adrenals, so avoid stress and caffeine and consider taking Gotu Kola, Licorice Root or Ashwaganda, plus Bieler Broth to feed and regulate the adrenals.