If you have someone close to you who has a history of stroke, or is getting along in years and their family history includes stroke, this is good stuff for all family members to know. Keep a bottle of cayenne pepper tincture so you can treat them while you’re waiting for emergency services to arrive. If all goes well, by the time they get there, you won’t need them!
This test is of course to be adminstered by you to the person you think may be experiencing a stroke:
First, ask them to answer a simple question. Can be anything, like what day it is, what their last name is.
Second, ask them to smile. Strokes tend to be very localized, which means only one part of the brain is affected. Since the brain is in halves, with each half running one side of the body, if a half is compromised we won’t be able to smile with both sides of our mouth. So if the person in question can only manage a half smile, go on to the third part of the test right away.
The third part is ask them to raise both arms above their head. Strokes usually impair full arm movement on one side of the body. If they cannot raise both arms the same height, chances are they’re having a stroke.
If they test positive to two or more, call 911 and then administer 3-5 drops of cayenne tincture. Wait five mintes, re-do the test, adminster 3 drops more if no improvement is seen. Don’t administer more cayenne pepper tincture after that.
When should you administer the test? When a person is a known risk of stroke and you see them stumble, or they start slurring their words, seeming to fall asleep or doze inappropriately, or seem to be drunk without cause.