Undigested food particles in the stools means not enough stomach acids. Add lemon juice to your meals, or HCL Betaine. Chew foods thoroughly or use a blender/food processor to grate them up for you. Stop drinking fluids with your meals, especially iced drinks. Some foods will always appear undigested: tomato skins, garlic skins, sesame seeds, green peas, whole flax seeds.
Burning stomach immediately upon eating means not enough stomach acids. Take a teaspoon of organic Apple Cider Vinegar and see if that helps, or peppermint tea. If they help, you don’t have enough stomach acid.
Burning stomach hours after your last meal means too much stomach acid. Take a pinch of baking soda in warm water.
Feeling full for a long period of time after a meal and lack of hunger in general means low stomach acids and digestive enzymes, low bile production too. Do pungent therapy (garlic, ginger tea, peppermint tea, cook foods as curries) and other things to increase digestive fire and stomach acidity.
Feeling burning in the general abdominal area due to stress or lack of sleep is actually the liver, not the stomach. Do liver management.
Nausea and/or abdominal pain that shoots up to the shoulders, shoulder blades and/or upper arms is a gallbladder/liver attack. Take therapeutic amounts of Gold Coin Grass, Lecithin, Apple Cider Vinegar, and do a castor oil pack.
General nausea means a backup in the works. Drink peppermint tea and take a mild laxative such as a bulk fiber mixed into prune juice.
Flatulence means fermentation in the small intestine. Avoid eating fruit or sugar with your meals, they should be a meal by themselves. Use more carminative spices like cumin, turmeric. Don’t have fruit desserts.
Diarrhea means the body wants to get rid of something bad for you. There may be a bacteria war going on with your colonies of microbes or an allergic reaction. Eat simple foods that are slow to digest like applesauce, bananas. Drink kefir to replace friendly microbes. Determine which food/water caused the diarrhea and avoid it for three months.