Frequent Urination & Burdock Root
Posted On Monday, June 6, 2011 By editor. Under How to detox?, Kidneys Tags: Burdock Root, cranberry juice, frequent urination, kidney health, kidney problems
Frequent Urination
One thing you want to try when you're experiencing frequent urination is taking 500 mg of magnesium, any kind of magnesium. That relaxes the bladder and makes it more flexible so it can hold more longer. Don't stop drinking ...
Kidney Stones
Posted On Sunday, June 5, 2011 By editor. Under How to detox?, Kidneys Tags: cranberry juice, kidney problems, kidney stones, kidney stones treatment
Some people are prone to forming kidney stones because of imbalanced diet, some because of how their bodies manage minerals. Either way, diet adjustments help. The easiest adjustment is to simply get adquate vitamin C. C will dissolve several types ...
Signs of Impaired Kidney Function
Posted On Thursday, June 2, 2011 By editor. Under How to detox?, Kidneys Tags: anemia, foamy urine, kidney health, kidney problems
Frequent Urination with minimal output
strong need to urinate even when output is minimal
burning, stinging urination
dark blackish; dark yellow; greenish; pinkish; foamy urine
flank or low back or sciatica type pain
light-headed or dizzy when standing up quickly
cold or tingly feet/hands
small patches of ...
Urinary System Cleansing – Infection
Posted On Thursday, June 2, 2011 By editor. Under How to detox?, Kidneys Tags: cranberry juice, kidney health, kidney problems, kidneys, Marshmallow, Slippery Elm, urinary infection
If you suspect you have a urinary tract infection, or bladder infection, do see a doctor for a urine analysis and complete physical. The reason is many times people have an auto-immune dysfunction rather than a true infection, and this ...
Signs of Healthy Kidneys
Posted On Wednesday, June 1, 2011 By editor. Under How to detox?, Kidneys Tags: anemia, kidney health, kidney problems, kidney stones
Strong, solid urine flow/stream rather than a "spray"
clear yellow urine
relatively infrequent trips to the bathroom - at least a couple hours or so between visits
no nocturnal urination unless it's just once, rarely, and usually after 5am
steady energy overall, no flank ...
Basic Kidney Management
Posted On Wednesday, June 1, 2011 By editor. Under How to detox?, Kidneys Tags: Cleansing Detoxing, kidney health, kidney problems, kidney stones, kidneys
Kidneys are quite susceptible to the wrong herbs, and not many studies have been done to see which herbs are renaltoxic. There's a list of mostly Chinese herbs that are known to be kidney killers. And most herbal cleanses you'll ...