For basic flushing, and it’s good to start out with at least one bucket’s worth of a flushing enema before trying any other type of enema, all you need is one tablespoon of salt to one quart of water. Use kosher or sea salt, do not use refined white salt, as it has additives.
To cleanse the bowels of candida, add 2 tablespoons to 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar to a quart of warm, salted water.
To oxygenate and soothe the bowels and also get a little bit of nutrition, add 1 tablespoon of liquid chlorophyll to about 2-3 cups of salted water and retain as long as possible.
To grab and exit toxins, add 1 tablespoon of liquid bentonite to however much water you want. Especially helpful in reducing Herxheimer symptoms.
To replace the friendlies, do a retention enema of 1/2 cup of kefir to 2 cups warm water. Retain as long as possible, massage it up the colon best you can.
To cure constipation, add 1/2 cup of pure sesame oil or olive oil or almond oil to 2 cups warm water. Do not do this if you have very weak digestion or very coated tongue.
To cure colitis, IBS, prolapsed colon or hemrrhoids, make up some barley tea and use it instead of plain water.
If your digestion is very impaired, then do a nutritional enema. Mix these together: 1 tablespoon blackstrap molasses
2-4 cups of broth
retain as long as possible.