If you suffer from abcesses, acne, asthma, cancer, hives, fibromyalgia, memory problems, brain fog, dark circles under the eyes, bloodshot eyes, floaters, irritability, night sweats, infections, colds/flu, headache, cold hands/feet, hormone imbalances, reduced sexual function, psoriasis, eczema, then these blood purifying herbs should be part of your protocol.
Several blood purifying herbs have already been mentioned in Liver, Kidney and Lymph management, as anything that helps the liver cleanse itself gives us cleaner blood, so here are ones besides Dandelion, Nettle, Slippery Elm, Licorice, that are excellent:
Burdock Root
This is a root vegetable that we should be including in our diet. The Japanese eat it as often as we eat carrots, and usually with carrots, and is probably one of the reasons why they are the longest living people on the planet. It looks scary with its scabrous skin, but this skin is actually quite thin and comes off easily. You can do anything with it that you would do with a carrot. It has an earthy flavor, rather like asparagus, when boiled. It’s very nice eaten raw, marinated in vinegar.
You can also drink burdock tea or take burdock supplements. Yogi Tea’s Detox Tea has burdock root in it. It is safe for long-term use, say 30 days.
Burdock root detoxes the liver, cleanses the kidneys, promotes sweating, breaks down poisons, is an anti-fungal and antibiotic, and is the main ingredient in the Essiac formula that Rene Caisse would give her cancer patients. The other herbs in a true Essiac Formula (which may be purchased by several herb suppliers) are Rhubarb, Slippery Elm and Sheep Sorrel.
Best thing about Burdock Root is it cleanses without side-effects!
Sarsaparilla, a root that made the first root beer, cleanses the blood, is fantastic for acne, and regulates hormones. Suitable for long-term use (one month) unless you start having increased PMS symptoms.
red clover is often used for abnormal growths and acne. Suitable for long-term use.
Fo-Ti helps purify the blood through better kidney function. This one should only be used for a week.
For short-term use, a combination of Echinacea, Yellow Dock and Goldenseal is appropriate for about 3 days. They are so strong that they soon end up depleting the body. Echinacea stimulates the lymphs, so if you have over-active immune function such as Lupus or Hashimoto’s thyroid, this is not an appropriate herb for you. It’s good to keep tinctures of these on hand for cold/flu season, and at the first sign of a cold/flu, make yourself a cleansing cocktail by adding a dropperful of each to the Cleansing Cocktail juice.
All of these herbs are aided in their action by getting plenty of fluids, Vitamin C, A and minerals.