The type and location of skin eruptions tells us a lot about how our body is functioning – the areas of congestion, nutritional deficiencies, etc.
Forehead acne of any type is due to liver congestion. The liver and bile ducts are clogged with stones and bad fats. Time for a couple liver flushes or comprehensive liver cleansing focusing on ridding the liver of fats, which means Bupleurum, Lecithin, Malic Acid, Carrot Juice or Carrot Cleansing Salad – or both, and fat burners like blueberries, Taurine, Arginine, or Nutritional yeast flakes.
Whiteheads are due to overall congestion from the bowels to the lymphatic system, so good and thorough bowel management is necessary. Pungent therapy is essential.
Large acne, cystic acne, no matter where it is and especially if it is attacking the chest and back in addition to the face, means you really should do the stomach acid test and start drinking apple cider vinegar (see recipe for Cleansing Drink) 3x a day. You should also follow the candida diet (low sugar) and perhaps supplement with acidophilus/kefir, altho some people break out in reaction to acidophilus due to leaky gut. Usually that’s just temporary.
Acne around the mouth, especially if you get bumps or cracks at the corners of your mouth, is Vitamin B deficiency and wonky hormones. Liver management and avoiding estrogenic foods will help with this. Wheat germ oil, eggs and nutritional yeast are excellent sources of B vits. See recipe for protein shakes.
Acne along the cheek or under the eyes involves the kidneys. You’re dehydrated and must do some kidney management. The Cleansing drink will cleanse the kidneys.
Acne on the chin is usually due to toxins being stored in the reprodutive system. Comprehensive liver and bowel management, plus avoiding estrogenic foods, Zinc and the rest of the Skin Food will help with this.
Acne along the jawline, if not iodine overdose, is usually kidneys/lymph congestion.
If your skin is prone to goosebump sized acne (check the back of your upper arms), you have a Vitamin A, EFA, zinc deficiencies, and a very low metabolism. If you tend to feel cold, need lots of sleep and have a hard time waking up in the morning, you should get checked for hypothyroidism and anemia. Get plenty of Skin Food and take the thyroid self-test.
If you suddenly break out in a rash of goosebump sized acne like bumps that are very close together on your face, you overdosed on Iodine. Stop supplementing it or eat less of the clam bake next time. 😉
If your skin is slow to heal, you’re low in Skin Food, especially Zinc, and possibly low thyroid.
If you tend to break out in hives on back and chest, particularly after meals, you have allergies, a lack of digestive enzymes, acidophlus and stomach acids and are probably sensitive to sugar. You should do a rotation/elimination diet and self-allergy test to find out what your allergies are. Basically, go on a very simple diet of Kichadi and the other essential recipes. Then once a day every-other day introduce a new food. Take your pulse before and after this food. If it increases more than 10% or you get other symptoms like fatigue, yawning, chances are you’re allergic. You should follow a pitta-pacifying lifestyle.
In general, acne is due to these deficiencies: Vitamin A, Vit B2, Vit B5, Vit B6, Vit C, Vit E, manganese, chromium, magnesium. Nutritional yeast flakes, wheat germ oil, Emergen-C and a teaspoon of Epsom salts will make up for these deficiencies.
One must also take into account the cleanliness of the entire digestive tract, and digestive power. If stomach acids or digestive enzymes or friendly microbes are low, Ama will result, and Acne is most often due to Ama. Any acne protocol should begin with a diet that is conducive to digestive power and should include comprehensive digestive and bowel management.